Thursday, May 7, 2020


So many Christians don't know what Liberty looks or feels like!  So, when they see someone walking in it they become judgmental. True Liberty comes with the high price of "following on to know Him" in the depths of holiness which sets you free from man made limitations.

Many people never express who God created them to be because they are trying to follow some kind of stiff and unyielding pattern that religion or denominations have dictated.  They don't know whether they like red or blue...Winter or or music...biking or hiking;etc.  And laughter, oh no, they think that's a sin. Maybe that's why many are still sick because "laughter is healing to the bones."

God created you with specific expressions of Himself in you. So, when are you going to become free enough to just "Be"?  So many are just busy doing without having any real idea who they are. God wants to "know" us in relationship to Himself.  We don't want Him to say to us one day that He never knew us...walked in intimacy with us. 

Your ministry and anointing and gifts can flow freely when you get free.  Of course, free doesn't mean living loose or foolishly.  It is powerful in that it allows God to be God in you by being who He created, designed and molded you to be.  If we are all alike, then  much is missing in the Kingdom.  

God wants to deliver you out of sin into His divine purpose for YOU.

Remember now, there is a great difference between unity and uniformity.

"If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed."  John 8:36

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