Saturday, June 15, 2019


Holy Spirit keeps speaking about spiritual leeches; so I will go with the flow.

*One of the Google Dictionary meanings of #Leech is a person who extorts profit from or sponges on others.

*A leech could symbolize a habit, a thought, or a negative emotion...

*Leeches suck the blood from their target;spirit leeches suck the energy and passion from theirs.

I have been watching some that I know and have known for years move from one anointed vessel to another latching onto every powerful prophetic word or decree as if that action will produce what they won’t live right to receive from God themselves. 

You can give your blood, sweat, and tears for these persons, but it doesn’t work because there’s usually a religious spirit attached to it that will go through the motions, but never commit to holiness. They will talk the talk, but never surrender to the walk.

They simply try to draw from your fire, your faith, your energy. 

The amazing thing about it is that it doesn’t work, even if it seems to temporarily.