Friday, December 28, 2018


People of God, because the world is closely watching and harshly judging “the Church” at this hour even more than ever because of certain current “exposures,” we need to position ourselves to represent the Kingdom in spirit, truth, righteousness, power, purity and excellence.

The Lord is about to redeem His name in the midst of all of the sin and degradation that’s running rampant in the body.

It is well past time to BE what we say! It is time to heal the sick, raise the dead, restore the lame and afflicted, set captive free, preach a pure gospel, live holy, execute the will of God in our spheres of influence, and walk our talk.

It is certainly time to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15) because too many are just butchering the Word of God by not even telling the biblical stories correctly or in order. Their diction and articulation also leaves much to be desired. It’s ok to take a speech class and even an English class. I write about this dilemma so much in my books because the Lord assigned me to do so over thirty years ago. 

The Lord wants to “perfect those things concerning us” for His glory. All of these improvements will enhance our “anointing” to be received and affective in the Seven Mountains of Society where the Lord so desires to use more of us.

I am simply amazed at how many of us have “Dr.” attached to our names, and we can hardly speak properly; our English is simply atrocious. God deserves better than that! Your mantle/anointing even needs this lift in this day! 

This morning, Holy Spirit said that we need to sharpen every weapon and every tool in this day as we “put on the whole armor of God.” 

We can no longer use speaking in tongues, and dancing in the spirit, and interceding with no measurable results as our measure of holiness or anointing. 2 Peter 1:5 admonishes us to always “add to our faith...”

While we’re checking others, let’s be sure to check the beam in our own eye...Matthew 7:3.

At the age of 72 in a month and nearly 40 years of administering the Apostolic/Prophetic Office, Holy Spirit has continued to encourage and to guide me in giving God my all..spiritually and naturally...because it’s really all the same in Kingdom living. 

Let’s never stop growing, and surely let’s not get off the Potter’s Wheel yet!

With Grace and Love,
Mother Ingram