Friday, July 19, 2019


For awhile now, the Lord has dealt with me to encourage His people NOT to arrive late for Board Meetings, Church Services, Staff Meetings, Prayer Meetings; etc. because you might miss some very crucial instructions.

Remember Saphira and Ananias!

Saphira arrived late to services and made the same  mistake that her husband, Ananias, made...told a lie about their money. And they both died on the spot! So, you don’t want to arrive late at a gathering and move contrary to the set guidelines and instructions. And at the same time, some people can be at a gathering and miss vital instructions by not listening or by operating in familiarity...That is...thinking that they know what’s going on, but do not.

And then there are many other situations that some change or fail to comply with by not being present to hear important instructions.