Friday, October 18, 2013

Healing Prayer


 Many of us are just that...Well Kept Secrets!  And it is indeed well as long as it is the Lord keeping you a secret until His time of openly and publicly revealing His hand upon you. Of course, this is God's safety measure for you, and for the Body of Christ, and for the public at large when He has you on the potter's wheel during your breaking and molding process.

So often, you were being used extensively during this process over long periods of time, but hid right in the open. Father was working out many facets of your life and calling during those seasons. He was checking your humility while He was healing more people through the love and anointing in your life than He was through your Pastor's or Spiritual Leader's life. He was checking your trust concerning His timing for you.  He was trying Proverbs 3:5,6 on you for a proper fit.  He was checking to see if your gifts and anointings were about you or Him.  And most of all it just was not yet your time to be brought to the forefront.  It was not yet your "for such a time as this" even though the Lord was opening and closing the heavens through you, and answering your faith and prayers at every turn.

Over the years, I have had "known" Church leaders to ask me "Just who are you?" after God spoke to them about me.  Well, they were always amazed as to why I was not on the public scene according to what Holy Spirit revealed to them about my place in the Kingdom.  I simply kept in step with the Lord.  Some "leaders" have referred to me as "a secret weapon."  Well, whatever the case, the Kingdom of God consists of far more anointed and appointed and ordained and specialized vessels than are presently "on the scene."  His army, as is His Kingdom, is vast! God has been waiting for us to get over personality worship; so that we can discern Him in whomever He has taken up residence.
For God to keep some vessels as "well kept secrets" is one thing, but for others to do so poses other questions. What is your reason for concealing who the Lord healed you through because the vessel was unknown or just your next door neighbor?  What is the reason that you won't tell whose prayer God answered in your behalf after you couldn't get a breakthrough yourself? Why do you feel it necessary to posture on social media as if it is just you and God running the universe?   God has many sold-out, set-aside vessels as He had to remind Elijah regardless to what measure of making and molding and dying out of flesh that you have have many others because God will never be without witnesses to His Greatness and His Worthiness.

I was prompted to share this insight because the Lord has been speaking to me even more here lately that I am a "well kept secret" among people that have consistently been blessed, healed, delivered and set free  through the mantle and authority in my life.  They simply won't tell others about who the Lord used, or they will lie and give an alternative answer. I have been a witness to this kind of deceit.  Years ago, the Lord sent me to a church member's home to release a deliverance and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  It was such a powerful release and overshadowing that even when I left the home two hours later the person was still under the spirit, just praising and speaking in tongues. He said that he had been asking God to do that for him and was humbled that God would come to him in that manner.  Well, would you believe that I was visiting at his church, a mega church at that time, when he testified that those blessings had taken place there at his church. Somehow, when he spoke that lie, his eyes fell upon me sitting in the congregation, and I saw fear fall on him. Before the year ended, he was diagnosed with full blown Aids and deteriated speedily.  Why can't we just receive God however He comes to us? I believe that our days of "celebrity worship" are drawing to a quick close.

Whatever we do, let's not keep the Love of God a secret fom the world!

I share prayers and other teachings on my Youtube Channel @Prophetess Marion Ingram and on my Blog: A Kingdom Voice @