Monday, October 8, 2018


                        (A Wake-up Call)

Nearly everyday, I am ministering to and fellowshipping with Pastors/Apostles/Prophets  and Civic and Marketplace Leaders across the nation who are discerning what time it really is in the Kingdom. They realize that even though the Body of Christ is saying the right words and exuding the right emotions that we are yet in an extremely malnourished spiritual state...which is lacking the proper dimension of authority through godly consecration and desecration of personal memorials.

Many are waking up while others are descending into deeper pits because they are still coveting the gold ring on the Merry-go-round.  

I feel sad and angry that I am watching certain Pastors in my city making a rabbit trail into the trap of a very charismatic personality in the nation who major, confirmed ministries don’t even acknowledge. I know of and I have worked with individuals who were seduced financially or sexually by this personality, and they know the depravity that is accepted by that staff and team. We are watching others become entrapped, but people won’t let you warn them because they want to be right. You have to wait until they wake up and come out in order to heal them.

We are in a day where we are encouraged to ask the Lord about everything and everybody. This is the admonition that He sent me nearly forty years ago after sending me to break up a church cult. We need to tie Proverbs 3:5,6 around our necks. One thing you will find out in this day is that everything shining is not gold! Satan works miracles and speaks in tongues.  

The sad situation today is that the masses know church culture but very little about Kingdom culture...both kingdoms...the Kingdom of the Lord God Almighty and the Kingdom of darkness.  In fact, when they attempt to call out the spirits of darkness they invite warfare to themselves that they aren’t anointed or prepared for.