Monday, April 2, 2018

Personal Considerations In Relating To Others

You have to study a person or at least be aware of their persona in order to communicate with them, him or her, effectively.

Some people want to befriend you, but they handle everyone the same. Friendships and even relationships require personal attention. 

Some people talk about everything and anything publicly; whereas, others are private people. This has nothing to do with transparency, but with personal privacy.

When I am not approached respectfully I simply  do not respond because it isn’t difficult to discern that I respect myself and others.

Familiarity, even in families, isn’t always a plus because often family members don’t know each other as well as they think. 

I am amazed when someone presumes to speak for me about a matter when they have never spoken to me about that matter.

Relationships are built in time shared and on close observation, whether spiritually or personally, or whether near or far.

Shared blood does not necessarily make you good friends or “family.”

Let’s be more observant of each other, especially when you’re trying to forge a relationship with someone.

I have the most wonderful and rewarding conversations and interactions with some people here when they reach out to me through messenger, email or phone call, but not so much with others, even some family members. 

It’s not good to get too familiar with people that you don’t really know. Everyone doesn’t respond to the same stimuli or ideas or patterns. 

Often, it is true that “Familiarity breeds contempt.”

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