Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Anointing Plus Knowledge Equals Power!

People of God, be very careful about spiritual warfare. It is no religious matter or plaything. You can invite unnecessary warfare to yourself if you don't live in an area; if you have not been sent or assigned an area by God; and if you have no understanding of the history or of the spiritual makeup of an area or a situation.

You can be gung-ho and super-spiritual without knowledge which can produce some very serious repercussions.

I have witnessed this type of devastation. I am almost 70 now, and when I was in my 30's my Apostle would send me to bring deliverance to people who had stepped into battles that they weren't anointed to confront because I understood what had happened to them and God would release them from the attack.

People, get prepared and get some knowledge! When the Lord called me and I was sent into an unorthodox work 36 years ago, one of the things the Lord said to me was, "Daughter, there is so much to learn." And yes, I have been learning His ways and the ways of the Kingdom ever since. 

Do a study on Power and Authority. They are not the same entity. (See John Paul Jackson's video teaching on Power and Authority on YouTube.)

We can only do all things through Christ Who strengthens us to do "that thing."

"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV