Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Has your anointing subdued any strongholds in your family, your neighborhood, your town, your city, your state;etc.?

It might do you well to be sure to exercise your faith and anointing and gifts in familiar territory first. 

Has God ever sent you to walk the streets of a neighborhood in another city in this country and the murders absolutely stopped,
and people still remember it after many years?

Has the Lord sent you to a street in your city where grave injustice had been done, and the city closed the case without proper investigation, but the case was reopened, investigated and settled in a matter of days after you obeyed God?

Can Heaven witness to the power that you carry in your own domain?

Are you known in "the realms"?

This is how I had to cut my teeth in the spirit, even after taking four years to close down a "Christian cult" thirty years ago. Now, the Lord is saying that I am going to the "nations."   This morning, I read a piece where a prophetic voice said that your "nation" might be the places that I mentioned  in the first paragraph here. Is that beneath you?

The late T.L. and Daisy Osborn, great statesmen of the Kingdom, shared in their memoirs how they were sent to India too soon as a young couple, and that they returned physically ill, disillusioned and distraught because they weren't able to accomplish anything. They said that the Lord told them to start right in their families and neighborhoods;etc. Now, it is well documented history how many nations they evangelized and discipled for many years.

Preparation is the key!  Check with Jesus' disciples...Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul...