Friday, December 28, 2018


People of God, because the world is closely watching and harshly judging “the Church” at this hour even more than ever because of certain current “exposures,” we need to position ourselves to represent the Kingdom in spirit, truth, righteousness, power, purity and excellence.

The Lord is about to redeem His name in the midst of all of the sin and degradation that’s running rampant in the body.

It is well past time to BE what we say! It is time to heal the sick, raise the dead, restore the lame and afflicted, set captive free, preach a pure gospel, live holy, execute the will of God in our spheres of influence, and walk our talk.

It is certainly time to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15) because too many are just butchering the Word of God by not even telling the biblical stories correctly or in order. Their diction and articulation also leaves much to be desired. It’s ok to take a speech class and even an English class. I write about this dilemma so much in my books because the Lord assigned me to do so over thirty years ago. 

The Lord wants to “perfect those things concerning us” for His glory. All of these improvements will enhance our “anointing” to be received and affective in the Seven Mountains of Society where the Lord so desires to use more of us.

I am simply amazed at how many of us have “Dr.” attached to our names, and we can hardly speak properly; our English is simply atrocious. God deserves better than that! Your mantle/anointing even needs this lift in this day! 

This morning, Holy Spirit said that we need to sharpen every weapon and every tool in this day as we “put on the whole armor of God.” 

We can no longer use speaking in tongues, and dancing in the spirit, and interceding with no measurable results as our measure of holiness or anointing. 2 Peter 1:5 admonishes us to always “add to our faith...”

While we’re checking others, let’s be sure to check the beam in our own eye...Matthew 7:3.

At the age of 72 in a month and nearly 40 years of administering the Apostolic/Prophetic Office, Holy Spirit has continued to encourage and to guide me in giving God my all..spiritually and naturally...because it’s really all the same in Kingdom living. 

Let’s never stop growing, and surely let’s not get off the Potter’s Wheel yet!

With Grace and Love,
Mother Ingram

Friday, December 7, 2018

Yes, I Am A Forerunner For Today. (GOD UPROOTED ME)


Today, we are hearing much about shifting and realigning, preparing for new locations...spiritually and naturally.

Well, the other day the Lord reminded me why a number of Millennials contact me to confirm that I long ago traveled the path that they are venturing into at this time in the Kingdom. But if they allow Him, He will cut the work short and do a quick work in their lives.

Over 40 years ago, when the Lord began to beckon for me to follow Him away from my State, Church, Employment and way of life I wasn’t able to do it right away. It took 3 years for me to  comply with His instructions as every rug was pulled from under me. 

God had always manifested a special call upon my life, but I thought that I could negotiate the conditions of my work. He had to remove me from familiar territory to show me what I didn’t know which was much because He needed to prepare me for THIS day.

When I finally conceded to His mandate, the Lord simply told me two things...”Daughter, there is so much to learn.” and “Man must not live by bread alone, but by every word that precedes from the mouth of God.”  Therefore, over these many years, I am still following on to know Him and His ways and to always listen for that preceding word. He has changed my direction many, many times. Apostles and Prophets are always on call.

A few years ago in a meeting, He spoke to me from several gentlemen in academia that I had traversed many dimensions for Him and that the hard part was over, and they confirmed many words that had been spoken over me at least 30 years ago concerning my mantle for today in my 70th decade.

At a particular season, He dismissed my media and public ministry and continued my covert operations for the Kingdom. He said that I was to live so that Heaven AND hell would know me, and the Lord accomplished this stance in my life. Small accounts of this work are recorded in my books.

So, people of God, go ahead and answer the High calling in Christ Jesus and allow Him to extract the necessary cost of the chosen because we need Power AND Authority like never before.


Monday, October 8, 2018


                        (A Wake-up Call)

Nearly everyday, I am ministering to and fellowshipping with Pastors/Apostles/Prophets  and Civic and Marketplace Leaders across the nation who are discerning what time it really is in the Kingdom. They realize that even though the Body of Christ is saying the right words and exuding the right emotions that we are yet in an extremely malnourished spiritual state...which is lacking the proper dimension of authority through godly consecration and desecration of personal memorials.

Many are waking up while others are descending into deeper pits because they are still coveting the gold ring on the Merry-go-round.  

I feel sad and angry that I am watching certain Pastors in my city making a rabbit trail into the trap of a very charismatic personality in the nation who major, confirmed ministries don’t even acknowledge. I know of and I have worked with individuals who were seduced financially or sexually by this personality, and they know the depravity that is accepted by that staff and team. We are watching others become entrapped, but people won’t let you warn them because they want to be right. You have to wait until they wake up and come out in order to heal them.

We are in a day where we are encouraged to ask the Lord about everything and everybody. This is the admonition that He sent me nearly forty years ago after sending me to break up a church cult. We need to tie Proverbs 3:5,6 around our necks. One thing you will find out in this day is that everything shining is not gold! Satan works miracles and speaks in tongues.  

The sad situation today is that the masses know church culture but very little about Kingdom culture...both kingdoms...the Kingdom of the Lord God Almighty and the Kingdom of darkness.  In fact, when they attempt to call out the spirits of darkness they invite warfare to themselves that they aren’t anointed or prepared for.


Thursday, August 9, 2018


Beware of giving people "canned answers"!!!

Canned Answers!?!?  That would be answers that are readily regurgitated for every similar situation regardless to peculiar circumstances.

It is absolutely insulting!  This is true whether the person has any knowledge of the subject being discussed or whether they are experts on the subject. 

Since nobody knows everything, and no one expects you to be a jack of all trades, there is no need to feel pressured into having an input into every matter. 

When people realize that your answer is stale and far from revelatory, it causes you to lose credibility. When individuals are of a certain age they are definitely seeking fresh and advanced knowledge in a particular area because they very likely already know or have heard your canned answer.

This practice applies to personal, professional and spiritual matters alike. It is certainly cumbersome with spiritual matters because religious people don't always recognize the vastness and the diversity of  experiences which often causes many to rely on that "one-size fits all" remedy. They will very flippantly give you their pet verses or personal theology without even blinking when they don't even have a lot of proof that it is the "cover-all answer."

Be willing to listen, to discuss, to ask questions, to consider possible options, to research, and yes, to even pray with the person(s) about THEIR particular situation.

Sunday, July 8, 2018


A lot of this confusion is coming through black hearts, but much of it is issuing through demon possessed souls who are often overtaken at the hour of execution.

The enemy, satan, is using the raw and selfish and unsettled situations of this nation to escalate his agenda in the earth.

We are at the hour of that level of spiritual warfare...demonic.

I heard someone say that she doesn't believe that the human heart, on its own, is capable of this level of evil. Well, I would hope not, but an empty, unregenerate soul is practically a volunteer conduit for satanic activity of these dimensions.

Let's keep praying for the SOUL of our nation, period.

A great WAVE is coming!!!

An unprecedented Revival is on the way!!!!!

Revival also carries judgement with it.

Saturday, April 28, 2018


In my writings, I purposefully try not to use "Christianese" and "Churchianity" very often because it is my desire to reach the unchurched as well as the churched, the unsaved as well as the saved. So, I use a language or words that will translate into understanding regardless to who reads it. Church people and even Kingdom people think that everybody should readily know what we are referencing when we use our familiar terms.

I might say "tell your story" instead of testify.

I might say "try Him" instead of trust Him when no relationship has been established.

I might use "pay close attention to" instead of discern .

Jesus was approachable and easy to be entreated when He walked the earth. So, we should remove every hindrance to a soul coming to the Father or learning of Him.

To go higher is to continue to strip off every form of godliness that would so easily "beset" (confuse, delay, deceive)  us or others.



Can we expect Jesus to do what He used to do in a consistent manner, especially when it comes to healing?

8.”Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, and today, and for ever.” (Hebrew 13:8)

During His earthly ministry, it appeared that He healed them all even if he had to warn them to go and sin no more.

It appeared that healing was His calling card. He always showed up in a new place healing people. He also said that He did what He saw the Father do.

8. “Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.  9. And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.  14. Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.” (John 5:8,9,14)

πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯Are We Contending or Settling?πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
Since we have other options like surgery and medications are we really insisting on our God-given rights to divine health or healing. Of course, we want to be healed by any means necessary when we are desperately ill, but through the night Holy Spirit began to turn this 
word over and over in my spirit for the people of God to contend for the faith as we were admonished to do in Jude 1:3...

“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exalt you that ye should earnestly #contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”

#CONTEND = insist, profess, claim, fight, push for, vie

I have an Apostolic/Missionary friend right here on Facebook who travels in and out of nations yearly, and she witnesses multiple miraculous healings, but when she returns home it becomes frustrating not to witness the same things here, especially among believers.

Let’s go back and study what we are to expect from and through what was  purchased for us at the CROSS.

So, right here on Facebook we can initiate a healing revival because people can’t worship, 
serve, study or enjoy the goodness of the Lord in pain wracked, diseased bodies, or with nagging, lingering infirmities.

We should ‘t be afraid to prove that there is still POWER IN THE BLOOD!!!!

1 Peter 2:24 says,

“Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.”

Let’s not forget that the disciples/Apostles did the same works of Jesus, and we were admonished to do them also.

πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ If you would like to be prayed for, just leave your name in a comment box or inbox.πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

Monday, April 2, 2018

Personal Considerations In Relating To Others

You have to study a person or at least be aware of their persona in order to communicate with them, him or her, effectively.

Some people want to befriend you, but they handle everyone the same. Friendships and even relationships require personal attention. 

Some people talk about everything and anything publicly; whereas, others are private people. This has nothing to do with transparency, but with personal privacy.

When I am not approached respectfully I simply  do not respond because it isn’t difficult to discern that I respect myself and others.

Familiarity, even in families, isn’t always a plus because often family members don’t know each other as well as they think. 

I am amazed when someone presumes to speak for me about a matter when they have never spoken to me about that matter.

Relationships are built in time shared and on close observation, whether spiritually or personally, or whether near or far.

Shared blood does not necessarily make you good friends or “family.”

Let’s be more observant of each other, especially when you’re trying to forge a relationship with someone.

I have the most wonderful and rewarding conversations and interactions with some people here when they reach out to me through messenger, email or phone call, but not so much with others, even some family members. 

It’s not good to get too familiar with people that you don’t really know. Everyone doesn’t respond to the same stimuli or ideas or patterns. 

Often, it is true that “Familiarity breeds contempt.”


I will always Honor my assignment concerning language skills because God appointed it to me approx. 35 years ago and stressed the importance of it for these days. Yes, it offends many, but others make the necessary corrections. In my research, I found that when a nation loses the command of its language that nation declines and comes to a state of confusion, as in the story of the Tower of Babel.

Every few months, the enemy inserts another language infraction, and people fall for it. He’s testing how far he can take you without your realizing what’s really going on. It’s the same tactics that I watched him use in the first cult that I was sent to close down. That leader would incorporate all kinds of unreasonable tactics in the services or in her relationships with the people in order to measure her control over them.

When did we start using Then for Than and vice versa!?!    Your for You’re!?!   There for Their!?!   And on and on!!!  Like the past tense of build is built...or “ed” is added to a word to make it past tense, not present or future tense.

I gave up on “I seen” instead of “I saw or I have seen” but God won’t let me because His people are also caught in the same trap, and things are going from bad to worse. They are exchanging proper English for error, seemingly, almost on purpose.  I heard Holy Spirit say that “Following ignorance is like following after sin; it blinds you.”

America does have a standardized/a formal language. Just any and everybody can’t decide to change it every few weeks on a whim. 


How can God be “perfecting those things concerning us” when we are willingly going backwards in so many areas? A religious mindset thinks that these things don’t matter as long as you can quote scripture, but when God gave me this assignment, He told me that He deserves better. “Since language is our primary tool for communicating, surely we can request an anointing to help us in this very crucial area as we apply ourselves.” (#MyBrandIsWisdom)

A good English book and Dictionary or Google services are great weapons.

Let’s all check ourselves for the Kingdom’s sake because we all have strengths and weaknesses. 

Yes, it takes an humble spirit to be corrected and a wise person to consider when a word is personal. I am a living witness...OUCH!!!

There’s a corresponding chapter in my book #MyBrandIsWisdom.

Monday, February 26, 2018


Nearly 40 years ago, the Lord said that He would send me to leaders or that He would send them to me. Well, He has been faithful in doing so, and I have cooperated with His agenda for me regardless to what level they were at. They have been Church, civic, scholastic and business leaders because I was also in training to be flexible as was prophesied when He called me into my work.

I have stayed in my lane!  It doesn’t mean that I was smarter or more anointed than others. The Lord Just anointed me with a certain level of care and authority needed for Kingdom leaders... someone who understood them, but wouldn’t play with them.  Time was pertinent, and we all had to get ready for this day.

Some others tried to attach to me not understanding why I couldn’t make the connection with them. The intensity of the training would have harmed them because I didn’t have the temperament to babysit or to hand-hold with them.  Of course, I prayed for them, showed them love and released the prophetic word over them, but I encouraged them to go where they could be nurtured at their season.

In the past few years, many people contact me or meet me saying that God trusts me and that I have His heart. Well, I simply found out what He had fashioned me for, and I did it with all of my heart even though it meant carrying out covert assignments and staying hid under the radar waiting for new instructions instead of pressing my way publicly. I am His friend and I am a Resting Place for Him because I stayed in my lane.

I am not all of that and then again I am. My greatest attribute is Love. It is the weapon that the enemy can’t penetrate because God is Love.

I Love God and ALL of His people because He so loves the world.

Now, let’s all be about our Father’s business!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


As I lay here meditating this morning, I am reminiscing about the many Outreach efforts that I facilitated during my hands-on ministry training over the years.  Then I began to wonder if we are just “preaching to the choir” now.

To deliberately reach souls, we often have to leave our comfort zones. I simply said “to reach souls.”  You don’t have to be the one to “close the deal.”  That’s God’s role.  Our instruction is “to plant or water” so that God can give the increase which might or might not be during your encounter with the individual(s).

One year during the Christmas week, one of my team members and I prepared some special cards with money in them for coffee or hot chocolate. We went down to the park on the river not really expecting many people to be there at that time of year, but there were. We chose various young men and beckoned them to the truck. When we gave them the cards and said “Merry Christmas” they were amazed to find money in the cards and turned back to say “Thank you” repeatedly. So we just reassured them that Jesus loved them.  As we drove away they were still waving.

One Father’s Day Weekend, we found a city park where men were playing basketball and took them waters and sodas in a large beautiful red plastic pail with a white rope handle. When they realized that we had brought them these refreshments free of charge they thanked us, and some said “This gotta be God” which gave us a minute to witness the love of God to them.

It was the MO of my Institute to go to the people, not just try to get them to attend a church somewhere but to SHOW them Jesus.

Invite “that woman” to lunch or to a women’s gathering as your special guest. Invite that struggling teenager to the movies or on a shopping trip, even for just one item.  Offer to get that “fast girl’s” nails done sometimes. The love of God is compelling! 

As we have revival among ourselves, let’s not forget to reach the lost for Christ. At least, pray for them and be creative in presenting Jesus.