Recently, I have been confronted with the reality of multi abortions in the lives of many women, even "Christian" women. Some women subject themselves to as many as five to six abortions which is simply unimaginable.
Well, very early one morning, Holy Spirit woke me up with the statement "Call a spade a spade" as He referenced the discussions that I had been privy to. I am aware of that phrase from various strata of our society, but I looked it up anyway.
Wikipedia says, "To call a spade a spade" is a figure of speech which explicitly calls out something as it is; by its right name. The implication is to not lie about what something is and to instead speak honestly and directly about a topic, specifically topics that others may avoid speaking about due to their sensitivity, unpleasant or embarrassing nature."
Well, I realize as a seasoned Prophet, up in age, that truth must be spoken in due season and in love; so I simply listened to Holy Spirit as well as reflected on the teachings and information derived from some Pastors, Church Leaders and some Medical Experts as to the origin of a life.
As many of them believe, I also believe that life takes place at conception, and that the taking of that life equates to murder (a hard word); and numerous abortions equate to mass murder (a harder word); and the continued practice equates to serial killing ( no other word for it).
Women have abortions for various reasons...rape, health problems, unmarried, married and not ready; etc. Whatever the reason it is worth being conscious of what the act really is in order to ask God for forgiveness which He will readily grant when you are sincere. To ask for forgiveness (to repent) means to regret an action and to determine not to repeat it.
Years ago, a well known Pastor publicly stated that he had ministered to scores of women who had constant nightmares, hearing babies crying and seeing visions of babies everywhere, after having their abortions. He walked them through a healing process of acknowledging the truth of the act, repenting for it, and receiving/accepting forgiveness which led to their healing.
There has to be a place of acknowledgement in order to receive the deliverance because James 5:16a advises us to "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed." You don't have to tell the world necessarily, but you do need to make a confession and to ask God for forgiveness because this deep seated hurt, grief, anger, secret, or doubt manifests in various physical, mental and emotional maladies.
We pray that you are never or never again in a position to face making such a decision, but if you are we pray that knowledge and the grace of God will guide you.
Please feel free to leave your comments because this is not a word of judgment but a word of correction and healing.