Friday, October 18, 2013

Healing Prayer


 Many of us are just that...Well Kept Secrets!  And it is indeed well as long as it is the Lord keeping you a secret until His time of openly and publicly revealing His hand upon you. Of course, this is God's safety measure for you, and for the Body of Christ, and for the public at large when He has you on the potter's wheel during your breaking and molding process.

So often, you were being used extensively during this process over long periods of time, but hid right in the open. Father was working out many facets of your life and calling during those seasons. He was checking your humility while He was healing more people through the love and anointing in your life than He was through your Pastor's or Spiritual Leader's life. He was checking your trust concerning His timing for you.  He was trying Proverbs 3:5,6 on you for a proper fit.  He was checking to see if your gifts and anointings were about you or Him.  And most of all it just was not yet your time to be brought to the forefront.  It was not yet your "for such a time as this" even though the Lord was opening and closing the heavens through you, and answering your faith and prayers at every turn.

Over the years, I have had "known" Church leaders to ask me "Just who are you?" after God spoke to them about me.  Well, they were always amazed as to why I was not on the public scene according to what Holy Spirit revealed to them about my place in the Kingdom.  I simply kept in step with the Lord.  Some "leaders" have referred to me as "a secret weapon."  Well, whatever the case, the Kingdom of God consists of far more anointed and appointed and ordained and specialized vessels than are presently "on the scene."  His army, as is His Kingdom, is vast! God has been waiting for us to get over personality worship; so that we can discern Him in whomever He has taken up residence.
For God to keep some vessels as "well kept secrets" is one thing, but for others to do so poses other questions. What is your reason for concealing who the Lord healed you through because the vessel was unknown or just your next door neighbor?  What is the reason that you won't tell whose prayer God answered in your behalf after you couldn't get a breakthrough yourself? Why do you feel it necessary to posture on social media as if it is just you and God running the universe?   God has many sold-out, set-aside vessels as He had to remind Elijah regardless to what measure of making and molding and dying out of flesh that you have have many others because God will never be without witnesses to His Greatness and His Worthiness.

I was prompted to share this insight because the Lord has been speaking to me even more here lately that I am a "well kept secret" among people that have consistently been blessed, healed, delivered and set free  through the mantle and authority in my life.  They simply won't tell others about who the Lord used, or they will lie and give an alternative answer. I have been a witness to this kind of deceit.  Years ago, the Lord sent me to a church member's home to release a deliverance and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  It was such a powerful release and overshadowing that even when I left the home two hours later the person was still under the spirit, just praising and speaking in tongues. He said that he had been asking God to do that for him and was humbled that God would come to him in that manner.  Well, would you believe that I was visiting at his church, a mega church at that time, when he testified that those blessings had taken place there at his church. Somehow, when he spoke that lie, his eyes fell upon me sitting in the congregation, and I saw fear fall on him. Before the year ended, he was diagnosed with full blown Aids and deteriated speedily.  Why can't we just receive God however He comes to us? I believe that our days of "celebrity worship" are drawing to a quick close.

Whatever we do, let's not keep the Love of God a secret fom the world!

I share prayers and other teachings on my Youtube Channel @Prophetess Marion Ingram and on my Blog: A Kingdom Voice @

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Recently, I have been confronted with the reality of multi abortions in the lives of many women, even "Christian" women. Some women subject themselves to as many as five to six abortions which is simply unimaginable.
Well, very early one morning, Holy Spirit woke me up with the statement "Call a spade a spade" as He referenced the discussions that I had been privy to.  I am aware of that phrase from various strata of our society, but I looked it up anyway. 
Wikipedia says, "To call a spade a spade" is a figure of speech which explicitly calls out something as it is; by its right name.  The implication is to not lie about what something is and to instead speak honestly and directly about a topic, specifically topics that others may avoid speaking about due to their sensitivity, unpleasant or embarrassing nature."
Well, I realize as a seasoned Prophet, up in age, that truth must be spoken in due season and in love; so I simply listened to Holy Spirit as well as reflected on the teachings and information derived from some Pastors, Church Leaders and some Medical Experts as to the origin of a life.
As many of them believe, I also believe that life takes place at conception, and that the taking of that life equates to murder (a hard word); and numerous abortions equate to mass murder (a harder word); and the continued practice equates to serial killing ( no other word for it). 
Women have abortions for various reasons...rape, health problems, unmarried, married and not ready; etc.  Whatever the reason it is worth being conscious of what the act really is in order to ask God for forgiveness which He will readily grant when you are sincere.  To ask for forgiveness (to repent) means to regret an action and to determine not to repeat it. 
Years ago, a well known Pastor publicly stated that he had ministered to scores of women who had constant nightmares, hearing babies crying and seeing visions of babies everywhere, after having their abortions.  He walked them through a healing process of acknowledging the truth of the act, repenting for it, and receiving/accepting forgiveness which led to their healing. 
There  has to be a place of acknowledgement in order to receive the deliverance because James 5:16a advises us to "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed."  You don't have to tell the world necessarily, but you do need to make a confession and to ask God for forgiveness because this deep seated hurt, grief, anger, secret, or doubt manifests in various physical, mental and emotional maladies.
We pray that you are never or never again in a position to face making such a decision, but if you are we pray that  knowledge and the grace of God will guide you.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Receive It All!

Why are so many Christians living defeated while pretending to be "Blessed"? They might have a great job/position, house, vehicle or ministry, but they are depressed and oppressed, sad and sick, angry and mentally disturbed, fearful and uncertain, full of doubt and unbelief. I heard The Lord say that many even come before Him "flogging"...pretending one thing when it's really another. We might not tell each other the truth about our actual situations, but God wants you to approach His throne with honesty because He can deal with your "truth." Through truth you can receive help for your spirit, soul and body. Life is real!
Many are just doing church with no real joy and no real victories. This is not pleasing to Father because He provided for all of this at the cross through His Son Jesus. Take inventory, and get real with yourself and with God. It grieves Him to see His children faking it. Holy Spirit reminds us that "For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink (stuff and things); but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost."
 God's way is real and it works. We just have to stop settling for less (religion) and go for the real thing (true relationship with our Heavenly Father). He is waiting!
Yes, someone said that many need a "De-mask-us" road experience as Paul had. Let it be, Lord, because there is deliverance in knowing the truth and in telling the truth

Friday, July 26, 2013

Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread

The idiom "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread" was originated by Alexander Pope
in his Poem, "An Essay On Criticism," in 1709.
It expresses the meaning that "The rash or inexperienced will attempt things that wiser
people are more cautious of."
Long  before Alexander Pope, the Bible had much to say about "fools." 
Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise
wisdom and instruction."
Romans 1:22 "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools."
Ecclesiastes 5:3b "...and a fool's voice is known by multitude of words.
Isaiah 32:6a Amp  "For the fool speaks folly and his mind plans iniquity."
Proverbs 15:14 "The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge: but
the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness."

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

God's Mysterious Ways: To Catch a Thief

God’s Mysterious Ways:

To Catch a Thief



I have no doubt that all of the experiences in my life were orchestrated to train me to fully trust the Lord. During my college days, Psalm 27:13 would always play over and over in my spirit, “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” I grew up in the Church and in a Christian home, but everything had to be proven to me even though I had always experienced supernatural happenings.

Even thirty-three years ago at the age of thirty-three, when God called me and consecrated me for a work in the Kingdom He always admonished me to trust Him. So often He would say, “Trust Me even (and especially) when you can’t trace Me.”  Today, I would define trust as “blind faith” because usually there appears to be no rhythm or rhyme to how God has led my life these many years.  Once when I questioned Him about His patterns and directions in my life, He simply said, “There’s a method to My madness.” And then He proceeded to teach me about paradoxes.

Here I will share two parallel experiences that were separated by the span of fifteen years.  They were certainly mysterious! Even though we can boast that “we have the mind of Christ” I still must agree with Romans 11:33 “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!  How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!”

When my son was between two and three years old and attending a nursery school, I was working for the IRS in my hometown.  While at work one Friday afternoon, I began to feel ill.  Soon my supervisor came by my desk and commented on my appearance. She encouraged me to go home if I didn’t feel well. I said that I would if I didn’t feel better by lunch which was approximately an hour away.  Well, by lunchtime I could barely sit up straight; so I checked out for the day and headed home.  I decided to go on home and to pick my son up later.  When I got just a few blocks from home I realized that I felt just fine which was really amazing to me, but I continued on home.  When I put my key  in the door to enter my apartment I discovered that the night chain was blocking me from entering.  Instinctively, I began to yell “Who’s in there?”  I was divorced, and only my toddler son and I lived there; so I became furious, instead of afraid.

The apartment only had a front door; so the intruder, a male, came out of the door with his hands raised saying that he was doing nothing.  Well, I was so angry that I followed him long enough, just asking him why, that I mentally recorded everything about him which enabled law enforcement to arrest him before the day ended. He had gathered up all of my “valuables,” but the Holy Spirit aborted his criminal activities at my home through me.

Fifteen years later, after I moved back to my hometown after my first four year mission across the country I had a very similar experience.  One night after retiring for bed, the Spirit of God reminded me that  my seventeen year old son told me that he was cold the night before; so I got up to turn the heat up and discovered that someone had broken in. He was more shocked than I was and jumped back out of the window through which he had entered dropping all of his “stash.”

Why would my good and loving Heavenly Father orchestrate these two incidents to the extent  that I was the one, a female, to catch these culprits in the act of burglarizing my home?  It is mysterious to me, but I love Him and I know that He loves me and that He had divine reason for it all. He taught me that I can trust Him when He said in Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded thee?  Be strong and be of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

Marion Clark Ingram


Friday, April 19, 2013

We Are Not Clones!

We Are Not Clones!
(I Corinthians 12:14-25)
Cloning:  the process of making an identical copy of something.

The Kingdom advocates unity which is harmony; a whole or totality as combining all its parts into one.  It does not advocate uniformity which is sameness; unvarying; always having the same form.
Obviously, this cloning process was not the Creator's design for His creation, man.  We are not to be photocopies of each other. The structure of the human body was our first glimpse at the importance and necessity of diversity.  As a norm, we have a head, legs, arms, fingers, toes, hands, a chest, a back, eyes, ears, a nose and a "back part,"  and then we have various internal parts of which each has a very definite and unique function.  One can not say to the other "You aren't necessary."
When it comes to the "Body of Christ" or the Church, we seem to ignore the Creator's pattern in that, many of us want everybody to be like or to operate like us.  I have often voiced the opinion that if everybody was like me that the world would not be at its best because even at my best I am limited in my knowledge and gifts and temperament.  Therefore, our Heavenly Father had so much more insight than to make everybody like me, regardless to the wonderful specimen that I am.
Of course, I gravitate toward individuals who operate in the calling that I do or who like many of the same life experiences that I like, but I am not wired for boredom or censure. I love to discern the mind of God by observing and sharing the deposits that He has made in the various parts of His Body. That's what prevents and protects me from becoming territorial or "ingrown."
In some arenas you can easily observe some very obvious samples of this behavior.  There are some Prophets who only speak of the "goodies" on the way, and then there are others who are always rebuking and speaking of doom and gloom.  I grant you that all of it has its place, but they have developed their own little camps.  You have to agree with them in order to be authentic while they don't seem to realize that they are only a small part of the Body which needs to endeavor to fit in with the whole.  And then there is that camp who agrees with everything...yes today, and no tomorrow about the same subject. Similar camps are also set up among Musicians, Singers, Pastors, Preachers Evangelists, Apostles and Teachers.  I am a viable spokesman for this dilemma because over the years God corrected me in so many areas that were okay for a season, but needed refining as time went on.  One example was rebuking and focusing on darkness so much.  The time came when God spoke to me that "The blessing is greater than the rebuke."  When I began to correct my methods I began to see so many more positive results and deliverances.
I came to understand that I had to be flexible in the Spirit even with my appointed office as the Lord had the saints to tell me when I was being discipled.  The Lord kept inviting me to "Follow on to know [Him]" as He reassured me that He would "kill all of my holy cows" ways of doing and seeing things.  If you become set in concrete in the way that you handle your office or calling, you can become so "Gung Ho" until you  limit your effectiveness in the Kingdom and expect everyone else to do it your way. But God always offers to show us "that more excellent way."  Oh yes, every round goes higher.  We don't take our freshmen and sophomore anointings into new dimensions. I don't have to scream at demons all night the way that I did years ago, and neither do I expect God to use everybody in the same manner that He uses me. He is too unique for that.

When the Lord assigned me to address this error of cloning, He said to inform His people that "You Are Not Clones!" and then reminded me of I Corinthians 12:14-25 KJV "For the body is not one member, but many. 15) If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?  16) And if the ear shall  say, Because I  am not the eye, I am not of the body; Is it therefore not of the body?  17) If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing, where were the smelling?  18) But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.  19) And if they were all one member, where were the body?  20) But now are they many members, yet but one body.  21) And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.  22) Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary.  23) And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness.  24) For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked:  25) That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another."

"Religion calls uniformity unity. In the Kingdom unity requires diversity . In united diversity we find complimentary strength, and the unusual ability to excel in creativity." Pastor Bill Johnson/Bethel Church, Redding, CA.

If you agree with this word please challenge yourself to share it with your friends, families, colleagues, associates, members, co-workers, mentees and co-laborers in the Kingdom.




Sunday, April 7, 2013

It's Time To Be Authentic!

It's Time To Be Authentic!

Over thirty years ago, God charged me with I Corinthians 2:1,2,4,5 "And I brethren, when I came to you, Came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. 2) For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. 4) And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:  5) That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God."

Because of this charge, I am a servant-leader, and my mentees see me do what I teach.  We execute hands-on ministry because "The Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power" (I Corinthians 4:20).  A few days ago, God spoke to me to encourage His leaders not to expend all of their energy in talking and teaching, but to use some of it in actually doing...healing the sick, feeding the hungry, reaching the lost, casting out demons, setting the captive free and being good stewards over all that He has entrusted to that faith will arise in the next generation concerning the power of their God.  He said that it is time to demonstrate what you have been expounding. 

It is time to DO the works of the Father because that's what Jesus did, and He is our model.

Some of the young mentees that God has trusted me with over the years work more miracles and change more atmospheres than I do because they believed that actions speak louder than words as they studied the life and works of Jesus.  The preaching of the Gospel must be confirmed with signs, wonders and miracles.  Jesus always showed up doing, not just teaching.

When you live in that "Secret Place," hid in God, you take the atmosphere of Heaven with you wherever you go.  We need to check where and how we're investing our time because "talk is cheap," and "actions speak louder than words."  The world needs us to be authentic.  So, Arise, o Zion, and Shine!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What Happened To Our English Language?

What Happened To Our English Language?
I suddenly became aware (Was  it a couple of years ago?) that I no longer heard anyone (well almost no one) using the verb "saw."  I was absolutely shocked when I realized that from skid row to the boardroom, "I seen" had become the new English.  What happened to the English rule that seen needs an auxiliary verb (a helping verb), have or had, to accompany it?  Ex: I have/had seen...We have/had seen...They have/had seen.   "Saw" stands alone.  Ex: I saw...We saw...They saw.
Where are the teachers, and who sets out language standards now?  Have we lost our way in how to speak and write proper and formal English as we have lost our way as a nation in so many other areas?
Yes, I am a writer and an author, and I learned standardized English from good teachers, which included my paternal grandmother, when teachers were true educators and were not afraid to teach and to correct their students.  As hard as we try, we all make mistakes from time to time in our writing and speaking, but a mistake is just that...a mistake.  What I am concerned about is whether we are even aware that there is a formal and standardized language called English...setting aside all of the dialects and slangs and colloquialisms that we use in conversational or informal language.
I am almost frightened when I discern that many have no idea when to use (their, a possessive pronoun) or (there, direction/position) or(they're, a pronoun plus a verb= they are).  Many struggle with "your" and "you're."  Your is a possessive pronoun...Ex:  your coat, your money, your views.  You're is a pronoun plus a verb=you are...Ex: You're welcome...You're okay...You're beautiful.  Of course, there are so many other errors that seem to go unnoticed.  The shortcuts used on social media have just served to compound this problem.  How can we help our children and grandchildren with their academic achievements when we haven't mastered our own language in the 21st century?
This matter is noteworthy because if we are consistently careless in how we present ourselves publicly then there is cause for concern as to possible other sloppy areas in our lives.  And God help foreigners trying to learn our language which is becoming a contradiction of itself.
It appears that the people who have so much to say are so often the ones who make numerous mistakes.  It would be such a blessing if we would all strive to be a little more careful about our writing by making fewer mistakes.  When so many words are misspelled or left out, it is difficult to fully understand what is being said.  Just take a minute and double check.  It's worth the effort, causes you to be taken more seriously, and allows God to be glorified through His children. 
Recently, I realized that the Spirit of God was grieving inside of me because I had grown weary of "disturbing" people about this need for improvement because I have been doing it for thirty years, especially among the Body of Christ as it was assigned to me. He informed me years ago that many of God's vessels, and subsequently, many of God's messages were not being received because of haphazardness, and it still appears to be the case today.
Since language is our primary tool for communicating, surely we can request an anointing to help us in this very crucial area, whether we speak English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Dutch or Indonesian.
Thank you and bless you for even considering these thoughts.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Good Etiquette: A Romantic Idea

Good Etiquette: A Romantic Idea
    On one occasion or the other, we have all taxed our minds and our resources trying to find the most creative or the most expensive gift to present to the love of our life in order to express our deepest affections, or we have been the recipient of such lavish efforts.  An initial consideration might find this practice acceptable, but upon second glance, it might only be flattery (an attempt to gratify by undo praise).
    In a day where truth has become so vague, and personal or individual value has so declined, we as a society could possibly counteract this misfortune by responding to each other with acts that define another's value to us.  Holding another in high esteem and causing them to know it is a good place to begin.
    Good etiquette and romance might appear to be opposing ideas, but I believe that we can make them compatible.  World Book says that "the most important function of etiquette is to provide a general guideline for courteous, considerate behavior in everyday life."  We might say that it sets protocol (rules for procedure) in situations or that it simply shows us how to have "good manners" in the presence of others.  The word "romantic" takes our minds to thoughts of passion rather than reason, and imagination rather than logic.  It causes us to conjure up scenes of fantastic and extravagant happenings instead of customary and practical things.  Both ideas are valuable and wonderful, but there are lines of demarcation.
    A great romantic idea may momentarily extract the most satisfactory response from your mate, but daily and consistent efforts to show appreciation to your mate's personhood will more than likely produce lasting results.  We tend to value the relationship in which we make frequent and sincere deposits because it becomes an investment instead of just a passing fancy.
    Certainly we would never dream of squashing the practice of giving exquisite gifts to the recipient of our affections.  We simply want to be sure that we are adding our tangible or corporeal gifts to the ones that we daily deposit into the souls and spirits of our counterparts.  The sweetest romance flows out of our character and has a nurturing quality.  When we return to "please" and "thank you," sharing special time togrther, speaking kind words to and about each other, being real friends, writing love notes, asking forgiveness, opening doors and holding chairs, being on time, and just sincerely enhancing our relationship, then our presence will become a most esteemed gift.
    An occasional gift of a diamond, a trip to the islands, a shopping excursion, or seasonal athletic tickets should be the proverbial "icing on the cake" to a lifestyle of loving and sharing.  Out of the resources of our love and respect for each other, we can give our most creative and our most  expensive gifts.
    What about it?  Is good etiquette a romantic idea?
Taken from:
"His Daughters Do Prophesy"
    (With A Word For You)
Marion Clark Ingram/author

The Importance of Romance

The Importance of Romance
I am still receiving revelation and understanding why the Lord encouraged me to write and perform romantic poetry among His people over twenty years ago.  As I traveled to churches and homes across the land, God would show me that the component of Love called romance was practically non-existent among leaders and their spouses.  He told me that that was one of the reasons that their anointings were so dry and forced. 
He taught me that there had to be a passion for life in order for there to be true passion for the things of God and His Kingdom.  And now twenty years later, I discern that it is still more comfortable for married Christians to speak of their love for God, but not for each other.  This is not natural because Ephesians 5 speaks extensively about the unique relationship between husbands and wives being "a great mystery...concerning Christ and the Church."
God wants His people to be authentic instead of offering Him what we think He wants.  Sometimes we're looking so hard for answers that are right under our noses.  He wants us to observe His Word with open hearts and open minds instead of with pre-conceived ideas.  We can use Isaiah 55:8,9 as a framework for trying to discrn the difference between His thoughts and ways and ours.  His are higher, and ours are base, and higher does not mean harder.  Since God is Love, we should be committed to study and to research Love in all of its facets because since God is Love, then Love is power.

Friday, January 4, 2013

God's Overwhelming Love

Gods Overwhelming Love

That's what I am experiencing this morning...the overwhelming love of God! 
I have walked in this place with Father for years now as He offered me when He invited me to relinquish my will for His will. On this journey with Him, I have been able to do just that because each time that I looked into the unconditional love in His eyes and heart He became more than life to me.  He became my life!
God is Father, Savior, Lord, Master, Friend, Healer and Deliverer...but His true essence is Love!  Love empowers Him to be all of the rest to us.
I am realizing, the more, that God wants us to celebrate His love for us and our love for Him. On Christmas Day (2012), one of my young Prophets In Training (PIT), Alicia Thompson, gave me a quite extensive letter that expressed many attributes and actualities of the Spirit that she has observed and experienced through me in the short time that she has been training with Kingdom Institute.
She received a "word" for me which was "love" and it expanded into "The Ultimate Love Letter" as Father continued to deal with her about me. Her direct quote is "Prophetess Ingram, I believe the Holy Spirit is calling on you to write the Ultimate Love Letter.  He says there have been so many moments in your walk with God that he has showed you love in big ways and in simple ways.  He says that it is your love relationship with the Father that causes you to be so effective.  This will be an easy task, a relaxing task, a task that will tickle you and move you."
Well, I have had such an intimate walk with the Lord that I don't really know how to share it...what He reveals to me and how He uses me...but I will try to do just that in the near future.  Possibly I will put it in a booklet.  Yes, I celebrate this wonderful love walk that I have been priviledged with, though it cost me much. I share a little of it in my book, "Without Apology: On Call For God."