Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Anointing Plus Knowledge Equals Power!

People of God, be very careful about spiritual warfare. It is no religious matter or plaything. You can invite unnecessary warfare to yourself if you don't live in an area; if you have not been sent or assigned an area by God; and if you have no understanding of the history or of the spiritual makeup of an area or a situation.

You can be gung-ho and super-spiritual without knowledge which can produce some very serious repercussions.

I have witnessed this type of devastation. I am almost 70 now, and when I was in my 30's my Apostle would send me to bring deliverance to people who had stepped into battles that they weren't anointed to confront because I understood what had happened to them and God would release them from the attack.

People, get prepared and get some knowledge! When the Lord called me and I was sent into an unorthodox work 36 years ago, one of the things the Lord said to me was, "Daughter, there is so much to learn." And yes, I have been learning His ways and the ways of the Kingdom ever since. 

Do a study on Power and Authority. They are not the same entity. (See John Paul Jackson's video teaching on Power and Authority on YouTube.)

We can only do all things through Christ Who strengthens us to do "that thing."

"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV

Saturday, October 10, 2020


1. “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:
2. But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.”
Isaiah 59:1,2
(Look at the whole chapter.)

Many years ago, I was asked to come and teach on prayer at a Church in a southern state, but the night before the engagement Holy Spirit told me to speak from Isaiah 59 and to tell them to flee from idolatry. Then He called me aside on the night of to anoint me in prayer before I left for the meeting.

A war zone would be set up against me that night at that Church; so Holy Spirit secured my armor before I left.

The witches had heard what I was preaching and uncovering in that area; so they came to set up a roadblock.:) 

A number of them were stationed throughout the audience, and they were sitting in a certain posture. My team spotted them and began signaling to me, but I had already spotted them.

What Holy Spirit clued me into was that those women like so many were faithful Church-going people who practiced a culture of witchcraft, “roots,” black magic; etc.

He wanted me to reassure them that God wouldn’t and couldn’t respond to their prayers and requests for help because of their mixture. He said that if God answered their requests that they wouldn’t know what source to praise since they had mixed allegiances.

Well, as I preached that night I moved out through the audience and touched each of those women on their shoulder to let them know that God and I knew who they were. Yes, a warfare ensued that night, but Heaven won as always. What they had brought to stop me did not work! In fact, later on as I met some of them they confessed and repented. God lovingly forgave them, delivered them and restored them into His grace. He even healed their bodies.

At another time, I will share some more on how God sent exposure and deliverance throughout that particular area for the run of nine months while He was training and anointing me for Kingdom work.

So, remove every obstacle in your life that might be hindering the goodness of God from reaching you.


Friday, October 9, 2020


I was at Kroger’s sitting in the car a week ago when I observed three young men (15/16?) employees collecting baskets and just talking.

Holy Spirit spoke to me that “Somebody’s got skills. Ask them if they rap or do poetry.” He told me to call them over and say that. Well, they came to the car a bit reluctantly which made sense.  When I asked them that each one said “No.” 

I started laughing and said well I need to pray for my hearing because I surely thought the Lord said that one of you have those skills. Again I said, “ Nobody raps or recites poetry? I was supposed to give him this money ($5).”

The one that seemed a bit shy dropped his head and began a “Roses are red....spill.” I began to clap and say “I knew it!”  Then I said “You hear answers for people and you have dreams...right?”  He said “Yes” and tears appeared in his eyes. I said “You’re a Prophet, and he said “Yes.”

I gave him the money as instructed and his friends gathered around him asking him questions. They all greeted me with “Have a blessed day,” and headed back to the store.

Holy Spirit said that the Lord just wanted me to water and acknowledge his calling which he was already aware of because that was his background.

I was to do no more and no less than instructed.

I trained for years for these days.

Through wisdom we must draw them into the will of God and not drive them away.

Can God trust us?

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


I have come too far, and I stand too deep in Kingdom matters to deal with petty and immature concerns.  Someone else can do that with you.  When God made covenant with me years ago, He started inviting me to "Come higher" and He's still offering that invitation to me today.  So, I don't dare to stop by the side of the road to pick daisies.  I am one of the least religious people you will meet, but I am Kingdom all the way.

A long time ago, the Lord spoke to me to just study the ways, the words and the works of Jesus one year. So, He is my pattern of Kingdom operation.  Yes, His expression of Love equals Power.  We have heard enough Word with very little demonstration of true power, and believe me I have seen the real and the counterfeit over my many years and my many experiences.  "The Kingdom of God is not in word but in power."  1 Corinthians 4:20

It is now time for nothing less than Kingdom manifestation in and through the lives of the people of God.  It's just that time!  No more time for flogging and showboating and pretending to be anointed and highly favored. If you don't come with the goods now, something is waiting to expose and to challenge you.

The enemy is no longer impressed with Church folks or Churchianity. When we confront the ills of society and the devices of the evil one, we better have on the whole armor of God for real...plus wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

Thursday, May 7, 2020


So many Christians don't know what Liberty looks or feels like!  So, when they see someone walking in it they become judgmental. True Liberty comes with the high price of "following on to know Him" in the depths of holiness which sets you free from man made limitations.

Many people never express who God created them to be because they are trying to follow some kind of stiff and unyielding pattern that religion or denominations have dictated.  They don't know whether they like red or blue...Winter or Summer...art or music...biking or hiking;etc.  And laughter, oh no, they think that's a sin. Maybe that's why many are still sick because "laughter is healing to the bones."

God created you with specific expressions of Himself in you. So, when are you going to become free enough to just "Be"?  So many are just busy doing without having any real idea who they are. God wants to "know" us in relationship to Himself.  We don't want Him to say to us one day that He never knew us...walked in intimacy with us. 

Your ministry and anointing and gifts can flow freely when you get free.  Of course, free doesn't mean living loose or foolishly.  It is powerful in that it allows God to be God in you by being who He created, designed and molded you to be.  If we are all alike, then  much is missing in the Kingdom.  

God wants to deliver you out of sin into His divine purpose for YOU.

Remember now, there is a great difference between unity and uniformity.

"If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed."  John 8:36