Monday, September 22, 2014

This AND That?

So many Pastors and Christian leaders are endeavoring to show their parishioners that the show "Scandal" is not compatible with the Gospel of Christ, but not with much success.

Faith comes by hearing the Word of God, and the Word of God speaks emphatically against adultery and fornication. We understand that whatever you feed yourself on a consistent basis is what you will become or meditate on. Therefore, how can so many Christ followers be so obsessed with a show that is centered around infidelity and mischief.

In growing, there is always room to examine ourselves and see if we are truly in the faith. Apostle Paul was always appealing to the mature saint to model the faith for the weaker ones.

A simple question to be considered is whether "Scandal" feeds your spirit or your flesh. Then you can make the decision if it is compatible with the Gospel and discern why so many are addicted to it.
We can all ask ourselves if we are as addicted to reading and studying our Bibles as we are to our favorite TV shows.

Just wondering...

Does it matter anymore what Jesus said,
Or have His teachings all been considered as dead?
Either His words are a light unto our feet or not,
Or have you designated them to your blind spot?
He said that He is the way, the truth and the life.
So, have you decided that He is not right?
It can't be this and must make a choice,
And then you must support it with your actions and your voice.


Friday, September 12, 2014

Why the Way Up Is Down

The Lord has been dealing with me for a while again about the insight that I am about to share here.  It's no new revelation, nor is it a mystery.  It is simply divine order established in Jeremiah 1:10 "See I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant."

Whenever I am commissioned to share this insight, whether individually or corporately, the process of bringing down in order to raise back up properly begins in numerous ministries, Churches, businesses, and in the lives of God's people.  Twenty-five to thirty years ago, when I began to try to forge my "ministry" forth in the media and in various parts of the country God kept saying to me "The way up is down, daughter."  It seemed as if He was contradicting His gifts and anointings in my life, but little did I know that He was after securing my safety and my purity in Him.

I had to realize as many of you have and others will, that God cares more about relationship and intimacy with us than about our ministries or our work because the gifts will work even when you aren't in sync with your Christian walk because our gifts and anointings were given for the Body to be blessed through.

So often, the manifestation and operation of your gifts can deceive you concerning your walk.  You might preach, sing or prophesy very well, but your heart is impure, not humble, bitter towards your enemies and others and simply needs healing in many areas.  If you don't continue to draw nigh to God and allow Him to do a deeper work in you, eventually, your ministry will become defiled which will then become obvious to all that something is amiss.

Here, I'll share a portion of a word that one of my Facebook friends shared from Prophet Delisa Lindsey.  "Many like to use the term, Ichabod, to denote the glory of God leaving a church but there is more to Ichabod than that.  Ichabod can also mean the glory of God leaving your life.  -  Ichabod can take place in your marriage, your health, and your relationships.  Just like you won't stay in a relationship when you are being abused and mistreated, neither will the presence of God stay where He is unwanted either."

So many negative and unproductive situations in your life might not be the attack of the enemy, but they could very well be the result of your rebellion and lack of humbleness and lack of yielding to the will and ways of God.

Don't be afraid to find out about yourself.  Just crawl up on the altar and allow Holy Spirit to help you examine your motives and your attitudes concerning life and ministry.

Sometimes, you hide or just don't acknowledge people that God used to get you to a place in your spiritual growth that you would not have reached alone.  Sometimes, you refuse to ask for the counsel that you need from an elder in the Lord.

You prefer to sacrifice and run all over the country to conferences of "celebrities" who you will never be able to have a personal encounter with instead of submitting yourself to vessels whom the Lord has commended and made available to you.

Sadly enough, I have watched people lose blessings or deliverances that they accredited to someone or to someplace other than who the Lord actually used in their behalf.

It is absolutely shocking and amazing that our name brand and celebrity worship crossed over into the "Church."  So many of you prefer to say that God blessed or delivered you through a well known person instead of the prayer warrior at your Church or by an anointed vessel over the phone who you have never even seen.  Now, I have had that last experience many times without a hello, thank you or even a public mention, but then this is how God can even test our motives and intentions.

To get a greater insight into this discussion, study the Kenosis of Jesus in order to understand the necessity of "taking it all off" in order to be raised up in the Kingdom to your full statue. 

"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. 10. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you" I Peter 5:6,10.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Who Are Your Dinner Guests?

So often in our Christian/Church culture we refer to our numerous events of "fellowshipping" with the saints which the Word of God encourages us to do, but Jesus also recommended another group for us to consider on our social agendas.  That group would be the sinners for whom Jesus died and with whom He spent much of His time with.

If we aren't careful, we find ourselves being overly discriminant about our guests or the company we keep as did the scribes and Pharisees in Luke 5.

After Jesus healed and delivered the man sick with the palsy on that momentous day ( vs. 26 ), He did something that simply infuriated the religious spirit.

"And after these things he went forth, and saw a publican, named Levi, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he said unto him, Follow me.  28. And he left all, rose up, and followed him. 29. And Levi made him a great feast in his own house:  and there was a great company of publicans and others that sat down with them.  30. But their scribes and Pharisees murmured against his disciples, saying, why do you eat and drink with publicans and sinners? 31. And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.  32. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" ( Luke 5:27-32 ).

Of course, publicans were Jewish tax collectors for the ancient Romans which automatically made them an enemy to their own people.

What is the ratio of sinners to saints at most of your dinner parties when you are hosting the Bishop or the Apostle or the Presiding Prelate of your organization at your home?  

Do you include the crooked politician in your town?  What about the drug dealer that you have been witnessing to?  What bout your promiscuous neighbor?  Possibly these "unsavory" guests would greatly benefit from all of the anointing and wisdom and love in the room.

If this is not the most comfortable setting for your " not yet saved" acquaintances, then just invite them to a poetry reading session with refreshments, or a backyard Bar-B-Q or a movie night at your home with your Christian friends.

Respect and human consideration play a great part in expressing the love of God to the lost.

Personally, I enjoy the candor and the thought provoking questions and conversations that take place in these gatherings.  My humanity and motives are always challenged in view of how the unchurched see us.  And of course, there is always the possibility of planting or watering a seed of the Gospel...believing God to give the increase at the appointed time if not on these occasions.

Let's check our dinner guests lists to see if they meet Jesus' approval.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Who Is THIS God?

Who Is THIS God?

By Marion Clark Ingram


Have you ever reached an impasse in the spirit concerning your knowledge about who God is according to your experiences with Him?

Is He worth pursuing when you can’t discern what He is doing?

Is He worth trusting when you can’t trace him?

Well, if you answer in the affirmative to either question, be assured that you are not alone because at some point in our walk with Him He no longer fits into our familiar and pre-conceived little boxes.

Recently, I heard a Christian statesman declare that the God that he knows now is not the God that He knew twenty years ago.  Of course, we know as this gentleman knows that it is a life-quest for us to follow on to know Him as He invites us to do throughout His Word.  Even the descriptive attributes such as Infinite, Eternal, Sovereign and Holy cause us to acknowledge the Majestic state of our God.

When we came into His care as children of God He wooed us into a trusting relationship with Him through many personal and direct considerations.  It seemed that we had favor in nearly every situation.  When we prayed He answered.  When we spoke His Word it manifested.  Even when the enemy rose up against us we felt confident and secure in Father’s love and care of us.  Surely, we felt as if we were one with Father.

When these easy accesses began to elude us we felt neglected or as if we had breached some divine ordinance or that we had grossly offended God.  We had to be made aware that God was simply trying to stretch us.  Yes, sometimes He hides Himself from us that we may search or seek for Him.  In the beginning He woos us, but the time comes when He wants us to woo Him by drawing close to Him so that He can draw even closer to us per our invitation.

At intervals when Divine Presence and Knowledge seem to evade us, Proverbs 25:2 NKJV reassures us that “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.”  So, is this the same God who beckoned to us with such comforting words from Jesus as “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  29.Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  30. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light”? (Matthew 11:28-30)

Is this the same God who instructs us to fast and pray and to come aside on extended Sabbaticals with Him when He already announced that “It is finished”?  Yes, because not only are we partakers of His grace, but He is also fashioning us to be conduits of His grace.  It is in our emptying that we become full of Him.

For years, I had been experiencing a gracious and very privileged walk with the Lord when suddenly in the late 90’s I noticed that I was not hearing from the Lord daily about spiritual, civic, social or private matters as I had before.  I began to attempt to seek Him on another level.  I repented for any possible offenses toward Him or others.  I was checking everything that I could when I received a call from a Prophet that I had met just briefly in another state.  She said that the Lord gave her a word for me which was that I was experiencing something that I didn’t like at all.  He said that I had always enjoyed the privilege of constant fellowship with Him, but that He was now trusting   me with a time of silence.  He said that I was to know that He was there and for me to just continue to fellowship with Him through His Word. Well, what could I do?!?  Was the God who had held me so close pushing me away from His hovering over me?

I was about to approach a great transition in my life and ministry; so God instructed me to do a study on the Kenosis of Jesus.  It was now time for me to be exercised in the faith of God, not just faith in God.  He watched to see if I would manifest more readily in the power that He told me I possessed.  He watched to see if I would become more bold, strong and courageous at that time.  He watched to see if I would continue to speak to the storms and mountains without getting a “thumbs up” from Him.  He watched to see if I would still command the dead to get up and the sick to be healed.  He watched me cast aside fear in the mist of every threat.  He watched to see if I truly trusted Him when all of my resources and support systems came to a screeching halt.  He watched to see if I would honor the mantle that He had placed upon me and operate in that authority without any prompting from Him. 

THIS God has continued to reveal Himself to me through the many ages and stages of my journey as He does for everyone who submits to the process.


Our Heavenly Father, our Chief, our Lord of Hosts, our Creator…is far from being one-dimensional!  Therefore, we must follow Him close enough at every turn as He reveals Himself, and yet He is the SAME God.